A causes de mes fuites trop fréquente, j'ai lu sur le site des fuzzi bunz que la solution est de stripper les couches.
J'ai donc mis de Oxy Clean dans mon eau chaude et j'Ai fait 3 autres lavages complets à l'eau clair.
Les inserts sont devenu blanc immaculé comme quand je les ait acheté.
Là je les fais séché sur mon rack. Je vais voir demain si les fuites continu.
J'ai aussi remarqué qu'il ya avait un peu de mousse dans la laveuse, soit des résidus de savon de mes autres brassées de la journée ou bien de mes couches.
Je vais voir si ça marche sinon, je vais peut-être me commander du charlies soap ou Allen's naturally
J'ai cessé de prendre de l'assouplisseur pour tout nos vêtements.
C'était moins pire que je pensais, à part mes jeans un peu raide.
je vous laisse la méthode fuzzi bunz de "stripping"
Q: What does “stripping” the diapers mean and should I be doing it?
A: We have (as have others) had many theories on what is called "stripping” diapers. We simply call it plain ole upkeep and something that should be done every now and then as a preventative measure in taking care of your diapers and prolonging their life. Although our diapers typically don’t have these problems, on occasion we do receive questions involving persistent stink. repelling fleece (or residue buildup on the fleece), fleece that stays wet or leaking diapers.
1. Get a good detergent like Allen's Naturally or Charlie's Soap.
2. Run all of your diapers through a plain water hot wash.
3. Run all of your diapers through a hot wash with 4-5 scoops of Oxiclean regular powder. DO NOT add laundry detergent
4. If the problem is bad, repeat step three.
5. Run a cold rinse. If you have hard water you may want to add a water softener such as Baking Soda or Calgon Water Softener to soften your water and help release any left over detergent.
6. If you still see bubbles in your rinse run another cold rinse.
7. You can either sun your diapers or tumble on low.
A good way to tell if your repelling problem is fixed is to take a nasal aspirator and put an insert into the pocket. Fill the nasal aspirator with water and put it close to the fleece and "pee" on the diaper with the aspirator. If the water goes through, your repelling problem should be fixed.